Coming up next…

Spring Concert

Join us!
All Skill Levels Welcome
We welcome all ages 18 and older, and members from any part of Utah! Haven’t played your instrument in years? That’s ok! Do you:
Have a desire to be in a community band?
Have your own instrument?
Want to play in our next concert?
Fill out the form below to join! Keep in mind-some sections do have a waitlist, and you will be contacted if that is the case with your section.
Sign Me up!
About Us
Our Mission: The Harmonic Winds of Utah is a non-profit Wind Ensemble organized of community members who seek to share the joy of music with each other and the community through musical performances. The ensemble is based in Davis County Utah and is comprised of musicians from the surrounding area. The primary goals of the Harmonic Winds are to provide a fun and exhilarating environment for musicians and to provide quality, exciting performances to the public.
The band is currently under the direction of Steve Hendricks. Steve taught for 30 years at Davis High School and is currently the Weber State Band Director. Together, Mr. Hendricks and the Board of Directors aim to foster an environment where musicians young and old can come together for a rich and rewarding musical experience. The band is in its’ early stages and we are seeking founding members to make this band a reality. Anybody interested in joining should sign up via the website or email us at harmonicwindsofutah@gmail.com. We also are in need of donations to cover start up fees, rehearsal space, and more. Check out our Donate page to help us out!

Meet the Board of Directors

Band News
Spring Newsletter- Harmonic Happenings
Did you see our newsletter? Make sure to check it out! Click here to read it!
Honor Band Opportunity!
Nominate a High School Student to participate in the Weber State Honor Band this month!
The Rehearsal Experience- Now Virtual!
Did you know we have a YouTube Channel? Whether you are a perspective member feeling nostalgic about your band days and want to experience it again, a member that missed rehearsal, or even just want to go back and hear more notes (pun intended) on what to practice...
SIgn up process
The Harmonic Winds is seeking new musicians to serve as founding members. All incoming musicians are asked to commit to attend consecutive rehearsals so the musicians can determine if the group is a good fit for them and the section leader and director can gain an understanding of the musician’s level of competence. After that, the musician may be asked to play privately for the section leader and director before a final decision is made. If you are interested in learning more about joining the Harmonic Winds for our President’s Day Concert, or if you want to attend a rehearsal, please fill out the form below and we’ll see you at rehearsal!

Email Us